Friday, November 17, 2017

Hmwrk #6

It’s really important to follow the rules below to create an amazing design.
kerning,the readability and legibility of the  type is a top priority. Structured line lengths, purposeful hierarchy typography, word and letter spacing.
There are four different kinds of alignment: left aligned, right aligned, centered and justified
Developing some basic grid skills is probably one of the first steps any fledgling designer should undertake.
Most designs start out with a brief, even if it is a personal project, a designer will often (consciously or subconsciously) brief themselves with the basic information.
An easy way to take your design from amateurish to polished and professional is to recognise and eliminate typographical widows and orphans
Colour is a powerful tool for designers, so it makes sense that a carefully arranged and consistent palette would be an important step in all design endeavours.
Just as you have a palette of colours, so should you have a carefully selected palette of fonts
Never use display fonts for body copy and
do not stretch your type.
Discordant colours create a muddy or ‘vibrating’ effect that makes it a struggle for the eye to find the line between each colour.
In this case and many others, it’s important to recognise that the white space is not empty space, it does not need to be filled with a graphic or a texture or some type, it’s doing its job just like every other element.
By all means, learn from trends and try to set them, but don’t jump blindly aboard just any bandwagon.
Going back to the main point, a good designer should not only know the difference between these formats, but also what tools to use when. Raster graphics are commonly created in tools such as Adobe Photoshop and vectors are often born in Adobe Illustrator, so be sure to familiarise yourself with the software, what it can do and what it can create before you launch into a design.
If you don’t account for all the details of the medium you are designing for, you risk your design being compromised in some way.
Taking the time to learn some of the design-oriented rules of grammar can keep your designs professional and make you feel delightfully smug when you start to notice others’ errors out in the wild. Let’s run through a quick few now.
When it comes to communicative designs, a lot of the time, simple is best,

To cap this list off, let me just say that in the end, there is only one final rule: there are no rules. As important as it is to learn the fundamentals of design, it is even more important to challenge them every once in a while.

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