Sunday, April 23, 2017

Due to the changing climate my daughter got sick.
she got a strep throat, I have to go to work and at the same time I have to take care of her .
It was not easy but did all I could hot drinks, hot soup, her father also helped a lot.
Today, I am taking her to the minute clinic before I go to work to make sure they will give her the right treatment.
School start on Tuesday, we didnt have much time to do anything together because my work.
But during last week we went to Atlantic city she had two of her friends that came along.
the weather was so bad we stayed indoors.
I wanted to share her sickness as a warning to all of you reading this
Always have a jacket with you in case the weather changed because other wise your going to be sick and your going to stay home which is not fun at all. you can learn more about strep throat by clicking on the link below

Sunday, April 16, 2017

As Easter is here we always color the eggs together and we gather as a family dine,than we wake up all of us on Sunday morning we prepare the breakfast we crack the eggs and play treasure hunt.
We dress, go to church finally back home we start preparing for a nice barbecue.
I'll show what we did.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Our pet Caesar the beagle daughter and I admire our pet Caesar the beagle and we are going to   show you some pictures of that handsome boy.

We play with him, cuddle that cute Caesar.

Check this

Sunday, April 2, 2017


This is really weird to be sitting next to your daughter when she is driving.
She turned sixteen, and since she wants to drive so bad, well I tried but couldn't.
Last month she told me that there is an instructor through her school that teaches the kids how to drive. I called him made arrangement and her she goes two days in a row, three hours every day finally she got her temporary permit.
That being said and done, she wants to practice all the time, but the funny thing is that I have to be the copilot.
We started practicing when ever I have a chance, it's very hard to do that with your own daughter,
we bought get stressed, scream and shout when I feel that she can mess everything.

I am going to share with you a video about this adventurous ride.